Handstand Progressions & Drills
With your back against the wall or a wedge mat, place hands on ground and walk feet up the wall. Be sure to keep chin in (look at your toes) and walk feet high enough to avoid a pike position.
To increase difficulty have athlete put hands on a floor parrallette.

Arm support
Lay on your belly on a rollie. Walk your hands out and back in while maintaining a strong core. This will mimic the weight over your shoulders in a handstand and help you hold your core.
Handstands onto a panel helps the athlete to force their weight p and over their shoulders
Arms by your ears in a lunch and lever to a T shape. Your body is like a seesaw-as your arms go down your leg goes up.

Lever Touches
Arms by your ears in a lunch and lever to a T shape, then lower all the way to touch the ground while maintaining a straight body shape. Your body is like a seesaw-as your arms go down your leg goes up.
**Fun Tip-put a cone on the ground in front of you. Hold a hoop above your head with both hands. As you lever you have to place the hoop over the cone.

Lever Touch Hops
Arms by your ears in a lunch and lever to a T shape, then lower all the way to touch the ground while maintaining a straight body shape. Your body is like a seesaw-as your arms go down your leg goes up. Once your hands are on the ground hop on your bottom leg so that neither feet are touching the ground. Progressively hop higher.
Against a Wall
Try a handstand against a wall or wedge and focus on squeezing your core and not toppling over-the wall is there to catch you in case.

Take It To The Floor
Try a handstand on the floor. Don't be afraid to push yourself. If you start to feel yourself start to fall over, just step down out of the handstand.