Joint Flexibility
Foam Rolling Underarm x60s
Rolling Back of Shoulder At Wall x60s
Rolling Chest at Wall x60s
Lat Stick Stretch x60s
Floor Chest Stretch x60s
Cross Body Stretch At Wall x60s
Table Top Extensions x10
Thoracic Extensions Over Roller x10
Thoracic Spine Windmills x10
Active Flexibility / Eccentrics
Wall Angels Back/Seated/Stomach x10
Shoulder Circles x10
Chin Up Lowers 5 reps
Slider Fall Outs x10
Crab WalksThread The Needles x10
Gymnastics Specific Drills
Tucked Wall Handstands
Handstand Hold/Walk Drill
Hip Flexibility
Right and Left Leg Split on Line
Straddle Split on Line
Foam Rolling Inner Thigh x60s
Foam Rolling Quad x60s
Foam Rolling Hamstring x60s
Foam Rolling Glutes x60s
Specific Stretches
True Hip Flexor Stretch x60s
True Quad Stretch x60s
½ Kneeling Inner Thigh Dips x10
Inner Thigh Rock Backs x10
Leg Lowers x10
Active Flexibility / Eccentrics
Single Leg Hip Lift with Knee Hug x10
Curled Up Leg KicksNeedle Kicks x10
Stomach Reptile Slides x10
Up and Over Beam Circles Front/Side x10
Leg Drivers Back and Side x10
Split Slide Outs Front/Side Using EZ Movers x10
Eccentric Split Squats x10
Eccentric Romanian Deadlifts
Gymnastics Specific Drills
Stall Bar Kicks x10 each
Pommel Horse Scissor Swings x5 swings
Tumble Trak Jumps x10 each
Right/Left Splits
Ankle Flexibility
½ kneeling lunge test at wall for Dorsiflexion
Soft Tissue Prep
Foam Rolling Calf Muscles
Lacrosse Ball to Bottom Of Feet
Ankle Rockers At Wall x10 reps with 10s hold at end
Straight/Bent Knee Stretches at Wall x30s each
Active Flexibility / EccentricsDuck Walks x10 steps
Eccentrics Off Ledge 5 reps Goblet Squats
Gymnastics Specific Drills
Jumping and Landing Drills
Wall Running Pistons
Wrist Flexibility
Hands and Knees Wall Rocking (for straight elbow movements) –
Prayer Test (for bent elbow movements)
Rolling to Inside Forearms x60s
Forearm Rock Backs x10
Single Arm Forearm Pulls x30s each
Active Flexibility / Eccentrics
Bear Crawling x10 steps
Table Top Extensions x10
Press Walks x10 Tucked Wall Handstands x30s
Slider Crawls x10 steps